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University Council 

The University Council is composed of the members of Faculty Senate, members of the Appointed Council, all faculty serving as Chairpersons of College Advisory Committees (or their designees), the Chairperson of Athletic Council (or the Chairperson’s designee), members of the Associated Students of Michigan State University (ASMSU), members of the Council of Graduate Students (COGS), Chairpersons of University-level Standing Committees, The Steering Committee, the President, the Provost, and designated ex officio members.

The University Council brings together faculty, student, and administration representatives to discuss issues that involve the entire University.  While the Faculty Senate may seek input from the University Council on proposals regarding curricular issues, faculty tenure and promotion issues, and faculty salary and benefits issues, the primary focus of discussion in the University Council is on other issues that are not the core responsibility of the Faculty Senate.

The University Council considers and act upon all matters within its purview brought before it by The Steering Committee, the President or the Provost, and provides a forum for the dissemination of information and exchange of views regarding University policy.

University Council (Livestream)
3:15-5:00 p.m. | Zoom

September 24, 2024 
October 29, 2024 
November 26, 2024 
January 28, 2025 
February 25, 2025 
March 25, 2025 
April 22, 2025 

Resolutions that have been adopted by University Council can be found below.

University Council Resolutions

Historical University Council records can be found below.

University Council Records

Meeting Documents


Agenda - PDF and Word

Draft Minutes of April 16, 2024 - PDF and Word

Attachment A: COTR Revisions - PDF and Word

Attachment B: MSU Survey Committee Overview University Council Fall 2024 - PDF and Powerpoint

Attachment C: MSU Survey Committee One Page Overview - PDF and Word

Attachment D: Interim Protection from Retaliation Policy PDF and Word

Attachment E: UCUE Bylaw Revisions - PDF and Word

Attachment F: Disability & Reasonable Accommodation Policy University-Policy-Template - PDF and Word

Item 4.3 Presentation on Space, Planning, Infrastructure and Public Safety - PDF

Minutes - PDF and Word

Agenda - PDF and Word

Draft Minutes of September 24, 2024 - PDF and Word

Attachment A:

- Athletic Council Bylaws Redline - PDF and Word

- Athletic Council Original Language - PDF and Word

Attachment B: Partial Term Bylaw - PDF and Word

Attachment D: MyIdentity Portal Presentation Slides - PDF

Attachment C: University Communication Strategies Presentation Slides - PDF

Attachment E: HLC Slide - PowerPoint

Agenda - PDF and Word

Draft Minutes of October 29th, 2024 Word

Report of the ad hoc Committee on Workplace Bullying - PDF and PowerPoint

Grad Studies Presentation - PDF

Undergrad Studies Presentation - PPTX

Agenda - PDF and Word

Draft Minutes of November 26, 2024 PDF and Word

Attachment A -FAR Activities Report (2024-25)-FS24 - PDF and Word

Attachment B - Bylaw Revisions - PDF and Word

Agenda - PDF and Word

Draft Minutes of January 28, 2025 - PDF and Word

Attachment A: UCUE Annual Committee Report - Powerpoint and Word

Attachment B: UCGS Annual Report - PDF and Word