Who is eligible to vote in the election?
Per section of the Bylaws for Academic Governance, “The voting faculty in the election of University-level councils and committees shall be all regular faculty, health professions faculty, and FRIB/NSCL faculty. Voting faculty also includes full-time fixed-term faculty who have served at least three consecutive years and full-time academic specialists who have served at least three consecutive years. Voting faculty must be engaged in academic activities of the University.” The term “regular faculty” means those appointed under the rules of tenure and holding the rank of professor, associate professor, or assistant professor, as well as all persons appointed as librarians. Furthermore, per section, “Full-time shall be defined as a workload equal to or greater than a 0.9 full-time equivalent.”
Who is eligible to be elected?
The following types of people are eligible to be elected if they 1) hold faculty status in the college electing them and 2) are engaged in academic activities of the university:
- Regular faculty members (
- Health professions faculty members (
- FRIB/NSCL faculty members (
- Full-time fixed-term faculty members who have served at least three consecutive years (
- Full-time specialists who have served at least three consecutive years (
- Full-time specialists who have served fewer than three consecutive years, if provided for in the college bylaws