What is the University Committee on Academic Governance?
The University Committee on Academic Governance is responsible for reviewing, interpreting, and recommending amendments to the Bylaws for Academic Governance. The committee’s decisions are subject to review by the University Council and the Board of Trustees. UCAG also reviews college bylaws for consistency with the Bylaws for Academic Governance. Every college’s bylaws are reviewed at least once every five years.
Additionally, UCAG conducts a continuing review of best practices for dean reviews, reviews unit appeals involving cases between units, and helps coordinate the membership of various other academic governance bodies.
What are the time obligations like?
UCAG meets on the second Tuesday of the month from 3:15 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Meetings are held every month between September and April.
What is the length of the term?
Terms for candidates elected in the spring semester 2025 elections will begin on August 16, 2025, and end on August 16, 2028.
Who is eligible to vote in the election?
Who is eligible to vote in the election?
The eligible faculty in the election of university-level councils and committees shall be those appointed under the rules of tenure, librarians, health professions faculty, FRIB/NSCL faculty, full-time fixed-term faculty and full-time academic specialists (section of the Bylaws for Academic Governance).
Per section, “Full-time shall be defined as a workload equal to or greater than a 0.9 full-time equivalent.”
Please also see section of the Bylaws that notes that a faculty member cannot serve more than two consecutive terms as a representative of the same constituency.