These administrative positions are the Provost, the Vice President for Research and Graduate Studies, the Senior Vice President for Student Life and Engagement, the Dean of Undergraduate Studies, the Dean of the Graduate School, the Dean of International Studies and Programs, the Dean of the Libraries, and the Dean of the Honors College. Except for the Board of Trustees, the University Council shall be the final authority with regard to the interpretation of these Bylaws (4.3.4). The University Council may propose, by majority vote, changes in these Bylaws (8.3). The University Council shall act on amendments to these Bylaws. Proposed amendments can originate from the University Council itself, from the Faculty Senate, or from University-level Standing Committees through referral to the University Committee on Academic Governance.
3.2.5. University-level Standing Committees Reporting to University Council University-level Standing Committees that deal predominantly with issues other than the curriculum and faculty life (e.g., tenure and promotion, salary, benefits) report to University Council. Such committees include the University Committee on Student Life and Engagemenet, the University Committee on Undergraduate Education, the University Committee on Graduate Studies, the University Committee on the Libraries, and the University Committee on Academic Governance. The Athletic Council reports to the University Council. The form and frequency of its reporting will be determined by the Steering Committee, but in no case will the frequency of reporting be less than once each academic year. The Athletic Council, through its chairperson, will also respond within a reasonable time to questions asked by the University Council.
3.2.6. Procedures of the University Council The President or, in the President’s absence, the Provost, shall preside at meetings of the University Council. The Secretary for Academic Governance shall be Secretary of the University Council and shall serve as a non-voting ex-officio member of the University Council. The University Council shall normally meet at least once each month during the academic year. The President or the Steering Committee may also call a special meeting of the University Council. The Steering Committee may cancel a University Council meeting if there are no agenda items that must be considered. The Steering Committee shall prepare the agenda for each University Council meeting. Each meeting agenda will include an item enabling new business to be introduced from the floor. The agenda will be publicly available and circulated at least one week prior to the meeting to which it relates. The meetings of the University Council shall be open. Observers shall be seated separately. A quorum for conducting the business of the University Council is 50 percent plus one. On all recommendations concerning major academic policies, a University-level Standing Committee report, or a brief summary thereof compiled by the committee chairperson, shall be made publicly available at the time it is submitted to the University Council. The Faculty Senate, the Appointed Council, ASMSU, or COGS may, by a majority vote of those present and voting, refer matters to the University Council. Such recommendations shall be placed on the agenda of the University Council by the Steering Committee. The University Council shall establish its own rules and procedures. The Faculty Senate, ASMSU, and COGS shall keep minutes of their meetings, which shall be made public through the Academic Governance website.
3.2.7. Functions of ASMSU ASMSU shall consider and act upon all recommendations to University Council regarding student academic rights and responsibilities and judicial procedures; upon any proposed amendment to or revision of Student Rights and Responsibilities at Michigan State University prior to its consideration by University Council; upon all matters brought before it by the President, the Provost, or the Senior Vice President for Student Life and Engagement; and upon all matters on which its constitution requires such action. On any matter brought before ASMSU the mode of participation shall be that which is specified on the matter in the ascription of functions to University-level Standing Committees (4.3 – 4.10).
3.2.8. Functions of COGS COGS shall consider and act upon all recommendations to University Council regarding student academic rights and responsibilities and judicial procedures; upon any amendment to or revision of the SRR, and Graduate Student Rights and Responsibilities prior to its consideration by University Council; upon all matters brought before it by the President, the Provost, or the Senior Vice President for Student Life and Engagement; and upon all matters on which its constitution requires such action. On any matter brought before COGS, the mode of participation shall be that which is specified on the matter in the ascription of functions to University-level Standing Committees (4.3 – 4.10).
3.3. Faculty Senate
3.3.1. Composition of the Faculty Senate The first contingent of voting members of the Faculty Senate will be composed of faculty representatives from each college at the university. The college advisory committee/council in each college will conduct the election of that college’s representatives. The Secretary for Academic Governance will oversee the elections. Elected Faculty Representatives Each college shall have at least two representatives, one of whom will be the chairperson of the College Advisory Committee. Each college shall have one additional representative for every additional fifty voting faculty in excess of one hundred not to exceed five total representatives. Each college with three or more representatives shall have at least one non-tenured faculty member among its representatives. For purposes of determining the number of elected representatives on the Faculty Senate to which a college is entitled, the number of voting faculty shall be the total number of faculty for whom the academic units in the college have primary responsibility for initiating personnel actions. For purposes of determining the number of faculty members required for the conduct of governance in accordance with these Bylaws, the census of the voting faculty will be provided to the Secretary for Academic Governance by the Office of the Provost no later than October 1 of each year. Each college’s faculty representatives shall be elected at-large during the spring semester by ballot supervised by the College Advisory Committee. A department or school may not have more than one representative unless the college’s departments are so few that such a limitation would reduce the college’s representatives to the Faculty Senate as determined by Nomination procedures shall be stated in college bylaws. All regular faculty members of the university who are not represented through colleges (non-college faculty) or who are not otherwise named in the membership of the Faculty Senate shall have representation as specified for colleges in and The Secretary for Academic Governance shall supervise nomination procedures. The methods of election of representatives for non-college faculty and those colleges that are not departmentally organized shall be similar to those prescribed for departmentally organized colleges and shall assure representation of their diverse academic interests. The term of office of an elected faculty representative shall be two years and shall begin August 16. No individual may serve more than two consecutive terms from the same constituency. Representatives of each college or unit shall serve staggered terms. If, for any reason, an elected faculty representative is unable to serve for a period of one academic semester or more, a replacement shall be selected by the relevant College Advisory Committee, as provided by college bylaws. The non-college faculty shall establish procedures for this purpose in cooperation with the Secretary for Academic Governance. The second contingent of voting members of the Faculty Senate consists of the at-large faculty representatives on the Steering Committee ( The third contingent of voting members of the Faculty Senate consists of the individuals who sit as chairpersons of the University-level Standing Committees. The President, the Provost, the Executive Vice President for Health Sciences, one elected member from ASMSU, one elected member from COGS, and the chairperson of the Athletic Council will serve as ex-officio members of the Faculty Senate, with voice, but no vote. One representative of the faculty emeriti will serve as an ex-officio member of the Faculty Senate, with voice, but no vote. The Secretary for Academic Governance shall be the Secretary of the Faculty Senate and shall serve as a non-voting ex-officio member of the Faculty Senate.
3.3.2. Chairperson of the Faculty Senate The chairperson of the Faculty Senate will be selected by all voting members of the Faculty Senate from a slate made up of the at-large faculty representatives sitting on the Steering Committee. The at-large members receiving the two highest vote totals will constitute the final slate. Voting will be conducted again, and the at-large member receiving the majority of the votes will be declared the chairperson of the Faculty Senate and the other candidate will be declared the vice chairperson. Their terms are one year. The chairperson of Faculty Senate also serves as chairperson of the Steering Committee and chairperson of the Academic Congress. The vice chairperson of the Faculty Senate also serves as the vice chairperson of the Steering Committee and vice chairperson of the Academic Congress.
3.3.3. Procedures of the Faculty Senate The chairperson of the Faculty Senate will preside at meetings of the Faculty Senate. In the absence of the chairperson, the vice chairperson will preside. The quorum for conducting the business of the Faculty Senate is 50 percent of its voting membership plus one. The Faculty Senate shall normally meet at least once each month during the academic year. The faculty members of the Steering Committee shall prepare the agenda for each Faculty Senate meeting. The agenda will be publicly available and circulated at least one week prior to the meeting to which it relates. Each meeting agenda will include an item enabling new business to be introduced from the floor. The Steering Committee may cancel a Faculty Senate meeting if there are no agenda items that must be considered. A special meeting (“called meeting”) of the Faculty Senate to address urgent matters that should not await a regularly scheduled meeting may be called by the President, by the Steering Committee, or by a one-quarter petition of the membership of the Faculty Senate. Calls for a special meeting shall specify the purpose of the meeting. The only business that can be transacted at the special meeting is that which has been specified in the call for the meeting. The statement of purpose need not give the exact content of individual motions to be considered, if any. Motions from the floor shall be allowed. Notice of a special meeting shall be publicized to members of the Faculty Senate at least forty-eight hours in advance of the called meeting and shall include the date, time, venue, and agenda. Electronic attendance at special meetings shall be permitted. The Steering Committee and the Secretary for Academic Governance shall facilitate the convening of the special meeting. Meetings of the Faculty Senate shall be open. Observers shall be seated separately.
3.3.4. Functions of the Faculty Senate The Faculty Senate is a deliberative, representative, and legislative body for Michigan State University faculty. As such, the Faculty Senate is the major, regularly meeting body in which curricular issues, faculty tenure and promotion issues, and faculty salary and benefits issues are presented. Advice may be sought from the University Council. The Faculty Senate’s role is to communicate its position to the administration on these issues. The Faculty Senate acts on issues referred to it by the Steering Committee. The Faculty Senate makes recommendations, provides advice, and speaks for University faculty on proposals developed in the University-level Standing Committees. The Faculty Senate discusses issues brought to it by faculty, students, college advisory committees, and administrators, and communicates its position on these issues on behalf of all University faculty. The Faculty Senate will seek broad faculty input on major initiatives before the University community. The Faculty Senate obtains and synthesizes the opinion of the faculty to form recommendations on key issues facing the university, and communicates those recommendations to the President and the Provost. Members of the Faculty Senate have the responsibility to represent their constituents on issues that should be considered by the governance system. The Faculty Senate may refer items to the Academic Congress for its consideration. The Faculty Senate may propose changes to these Bylaws. Bylaws changes proposed by the Faculty Senate shall be submitted to the University Committee on Academic Governance for comment and may be introduced to the University Council directly by a member of the University Council. The Board of Trustees must approve Bylaws changes. The University Council will consult with the Faculty Senate before it approves any amendments to those sections of the SRR that set forth the role of the faculty in the instructional process. On any matter brought before the Faculty Senate, the mode of participation shall be that which is specified on the matter in the ascription of functions to University-level Standing Committees (4.3 – 4.10).
3.3.5. University-level Standing Committees Reporting to Faculty Senate University-level Standing Committees that address issues of curriculum and deal predominantly with issues of faculty life (e.g., tenure and promotion, salary, benefits) report to the Faculty Senate. The University Committee on Faculty Affairs will report to the Faculty Senate. UCFA may request an opportunity for its representatives to appear before University Council to obtain feedback from the entire University community. The University Committee on Faculty Tenure will report to the Faculty Senate. UCFT may request an opportunity for its representatives to appear before University Council to obtain feedback from the entire University community. University Committee on Curriculum will report to the Faculty Senate. UCC may request an opportunity for its representatives to appear before University Council to obtain feedback from the entire University community.
3.3.6. University-level Standing Committees Reporting to Faculty Senate in Exceptional Situations The University Committee on Student Life and Engagement will report to the University Council, provided that recommendations by UCSLE that affect professional rights and responsibilities of faculty must have been approved by the Faculty Senate before consideration by the University Council. The University Committee on Undergraduate Education will report to the University Council, provided that on issues of establishment, moratorium, discontinuance, and merger of programs, the University Council and the Faculty Senate will be informed of UCUE’s consultation with the Provost. The University Committee on Graduate Studies will report to the University Council, provided that on issues of establishment, moratorium, discontinuance, and merger of programs, the University Council and the Faculty Senate will be informed of UCGS’s consultation with the Provost.
3.4. The Steering Committee
3.4.1. Composition of the Steering Committee The Steering Committee shall be composed of (a) five members of the faculty, elected at-large; (b) the chairpersons of the University-level Standing Committees; (c) the Vice President of Academic Affairs of ASMSU, and the President of the COGS, who will have voting rights on all matters not reserved to the faculty (; (d) one undergraduate student chosen from the voting members of ASMSU, and one graduate student selected from the student members of COGS who will have voting rights on all matters not reserved to the faculty. At-large faculty members of the Steering Committee shall be designated as members of the Faculty Senate, but may not serve concurrently as college representatives or as members of any other University-level Standing Committees. The term of office for the at-large faculty members shall be two years and shall begin on August 16. No individual may serve more than two consecutive terms. Either two or three at-large faculty members shall complete their terms each year. At-large faculty members of the Steering Committee shall be elected by the voting faculty of the Academic Congress in an annual spring semester election supervised by the Secretary for Academic Governance. Election shall be by a plurality of votes. The University Committee on Academic Governance will solicit recommendations from all faculty. A nomination slate will be developed for the Faculty Senate to endorse and send to the Academic Congress for election. Each nominee shall provide to the Secretary for Academic Governance a brief vita and a short statement that shall be distributed with the ballot. If for any reason an at-large faculty member of the Steering Committee is unable to serve for a period of one academic semester or more, a replacement for the remainder of the term of office shall be appointed by the Faculty Senate upon nomination by the faculty members of the University Committee on Academic Governance. The term of office for student members of the Steering Committee shall be one year. No student may serve more than two consecutive terms on the Steering Committee unless that student holds the office of President of COGS or ASMSU Vice President of Academic Affairs, in which event the student may serve on the Steering Committee while holding that office. Student members of the Steering Committee will be identified by the end of each spring semester. Student members of the Steering Committee shall be chosen from the voting membership of ASMSU and COGS. Should a student member leave the Steering Committee, a replacement shall be chosen by ASMSU in the case of an undergraduate student, or COGS in the case of a graduate student. The President, the Provost, and the Executive Vice President for Health Sciences shall be ex-officio members of the Steering Committee. The Secretary for Academic Governance shall be an ex-officio member of the Steering Committee and shall serve as Secretary to the Steering Committee, having voice but no vote. Along with support to academic governance, the Office of Academic Governance will supply clerical and administrative assistance to the Steering Committee. The chairperson of the Steering Committee shall be elected annually pursuant to A quorum of the Steering Committee will consist of 50 percent of its members plus one.
3.4.2. Functions and Procedures of the Steering Committee The faculty members of the Steering Committee shall meet periodically with the President and the Provost for an exchange of information and views on University policy. The Steering Committee shall act on behalf of the University Council when, in the judgment of a majority of the membership of the Steering Committee, action is needed before the University Council can be called into session. The President, or, in the event of the President’s absence, the Provost will chair such meetings. Actions taken at such meetings shall be reported to the University Council as information items and are subject to review by the University Council. Such meetings shall be called by the President, in consultation with the Steering Committee or a sub-committee of the Steering Committee designated to act on matters of agenda. The faculty members of the Steering Committee shall act on behalf of the Faculty Senate when, in the judgment of a majority of the membership of the Steering Committee, action is needed before the Faculty Senate can be called into session. The chairperson of the Steering Committee will chair such meetings. Such meetings may be called by the faculty members of the Steering Committee or by the chairperson of the Steering Committee. Decisions taken at such meetings shall be reported to the Faculty Senate as information items and are subject to review by the Faculty Senate. The Steering Committee shall advise the Provost regarding the appropriate faculty, academic, and student governance bodies, if any, to consult on proposals for establishment, moratorium, discontinuance, or merger of basic academic units, including departments, schools, institutes, colleges, and the Graduate School. The Steering Committee shall receive proposals for action in academic governance from individual faculty or students, and from faculty or student groups and organizations. The Steering Committee shall, where appropriate, refer matters brought to it to councils or committees for consideration. When an issue is referred to more than one University-level Standing Committee for consideration, the Steering Committee shall designate one University-level Standing Committee the “lead committee” on that issue and make it responsible for any report on that issue. The Steering Committee shall prepare the agenda for meetings of the University Council. Before each meeting of the University Council, the Steering Committee, or a sub-committee designated for matters of agenda shall hold a duly announced open meeting at which suggestions for agenda items will be heard. The faculty members of the Steering Committee, or a sub-committee designated for matters of agenda, shall, in consultation with the President or Provost, prepare the agenda for meetings of the Faculty Senate and the Academic Congress. Before any meeting of those bodies, the Steering Committee will hold a duly announced open meeting at which suggestions for agenda items will be heard. The Steering Committee shall report to the University Council. The Steering Committee will implement and support communication to and from faculty, in print, electronically, and by direct interaction. The Steering Committee will communicate regularly with the College Advisory Committees to encourage and implement strong interaction between University-level and college-level academic governance. The chairperson and vice chairperson of the Steering Committee (or other faculty members of the committee if they are unavailable) shall represent the faculty to the Board of Trustees in the event that urgent action is anticipated by the Board and there is inadequate time for calling a formal meeting of the Faculty Senate.
3.5. The Office of Academic Governance
3.5.1. The Secretary for Academic Governance will direct the Office of Academic Governance.
3.5.2. The Secretary for Academic Governance shall be appointed by the President in consultation with the Steering Committee, and they shall review the appointment at periods not to exceed five years.
3.5.3. The Secretary for Academic Governance shall be the parliamentarian with regard to the Bylaws, and shall serve as a non-voting, ex-officio member of the University Council, the Faculty Senate, the Steering Committee, the Academic Congress, and the General Assembly of ASMSU.
3.5.4. The Secretary for Academic Governance will serve as a liaison between ASMSU and academic governance, and between COGS and academic governance, for the purpose of encouraging student representation in academic governance.
3.5.5. The Office of Academic Governance, along with other administrative offices, provides staff support to the Steering Committee, the University Council, the Faculty Senate, and the University-level Standing Committees in the execution of responsibilities directly and indirectly expressed in these Bylaws. The Secretary for Academic Governance shall supervise elections to the University Council, and of the at-large faculty of the Steering Committee, with review by the University Committee on Academic Governance.