Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
Best Practices
Generally speaking, keep your resolutions short, simple, and clean. “Green tea is the official drink of the Faculty Senate” is a perfectly good resolution (in form, if not in taste, that is).
The inclusion of factual assertions supporting a resolution in the resolution itself can be tricky. As Robert’s Rules of Order puts it, “It is usually inadvisable to attempt to include reasons for a motion’s adoption within the motion itself. ... In general, the use of a preamble [or “whereas” clause] should be limited to cases where it provides little-known information without which the point or the merits of a resolution are likely to be poorly understood [or] where unusual importance is attached to making certain reasons for an action a matter of record.”[1]
If you believe you have a motion that warrants supporting facts, there are two ways of including them. One option is to use “whereas/resolved” clauses:
Whereas, Green tea is very refreshing; and
Whereas, Green tea is cheaper per ounce than coffee; and
Whereas, Faculty Senate does not currently have an official drink; now therefore be it
Resolved, That Faculty Senate adopts green tea as its official drink; and
Resolved, That Faculty Senate calls on the Office of Beverage Affairs to hold a public forum on the impacts of coffee and green tea on the community.
Another option is to include a preamble:
Green tea is very refreshing, and it is cheaper per ounce than coffee. Furthermore, Faculty Senate does not currently have an official drink.
Faculty Senate adopts green tea as its official drink.
Though it depends on the circumstances, it is often a good idea to reserve facts for the debate on the resolution and only include actions in the resolution itself. Imagine a member who agrees that green tea should be Faculty Senate’s official drink but disputes that it is actually cheaper than coffee. If the member disagrees with the factual assertion, they may vote “no,” despite agreeing with the goal of the resolution.
[1] RONR (12th ed.) 10:16.
Don't let people know you're new to this. Use conventional parliamentary language whenever possible.
For example, “motion” is a noun, not a verb. Always say, “I move that Faculty Senate adopt a resolution . . .” rather than “I motion that Faculty Senate adopt a resolution . . ..”
Write Your Resolution
To submit a resolution for consideration please prepare it and submit it in docx format along with any relevant information using the form below.