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Faculty Senate

The voting members of the Faculty Senate is composed of faculty representatives from each college at the University, the At-Large Faculty Representatives on the Steering Committee, and the individuals who sit as Chairpersons of the University-level Standing Committees. In addition, the President, the Provost, one elected member of ASMSU, one elected member of COGS, the Athletic Council Chairperson, a representative of the faculty emeriti and the Secretary of Academic Governance are ex-officio with voice only.

The Faculty Senate is a deliberative, representative, and legislative body for Michigan State University faculty. As such, the Faculty Senate is the major, regularly meeting body in which curricular issues, faculty tenure and promotion issues, and faculty salary and benefits issues are presented. The Faculty Senate’s roles include communicating its position to the administration making recommendations, provide advice, and speak for University faculty on proposals developed in the University-level Standing Committees. The Faculty Senate seeks broad faculty input on major initiatives before the University community.

Faculty Senate (Livestream)
3:15-5:00 p.m. | Zoom

September 17, 2024 
October 15, 2024 
November 19, 2024 
December 17, 2024 
January 21, 2025 
February 18, 2025 
March 18, 2025 
April 15, 2025 

Resolutions that have been adopted by the Faculty Senate can be found below.

Faculty Senate Resolutions 

Historical Faculty Senate records can be found below.

Historical Records

Meeting Documents 

Agenda PDF and Word

Draft Minutes of April 9, 2024 - PDF and Word

Attachment A: Quick Guide to Academic Governance - PDF and Word

Attachment B: Guide on Parliamentary Procedure - PDF and Word

Attachment C: Clarification of RRO - PDF and Word

Attachment D: Academic Governance at a Glance - PDF and Word

Attachment E: Academic Governance Acronyms PDF and Word

Minutes - PDF and Word

Agenda - PDF and Word

Draft Minutes from September 17, 2024 - PDF and Word

Attachment A: Board Resolution on Unionization - Webpage

Guidance for Faculty Senate Discussion Regarding the Board of Trustees Resolution on Unionization  - PDF and Word

AA1 Collective Bargaining  - PDF and Word

Agenda - PDF and Word

Attachment A: Resolution on Institutionally Supported Research - PDF and Word

Attachment B: Rationale for the Future of Institutionally Supported Research and Creative Activities Committee  - PDF and Word

MSU's Budget and Process Overview - PDF

Minutes - PDF and Word

Agenda - PDF and Word

Draft Minutes for November 19, 2024 - PDF and Word 

Attachment A1: Automatic Captions in Mediaspace Proposal - PDF and Word

Attachment A2: Automatic Captions in Mediaspace Presentation - PDF and PPT

Agenda - PDF and Word

Draft Minutes for December 17, 2024 - PDF and Word

Attachment A: Named Faculty 2024-25 - PDF and Word

Attachment B: UCFA Annual Report 2024-2025 - PDF and PowerPoint


Agenda - PDF and Word

Draft Minutes for January 21, 2025 - PDF and Word

Attachment A: At-Large Members of the Steering Committee Election Slate - PDF and Word

Attachment B: Athletic Council Election Slate - PDF and Word

Attachment C: University Military Education Advisory Committee Election Slate - PDF and Word

Attachment D: University Committee on Student Life and Engagement Election Slate - PDF and Word

Attachment E: Faculty Raise Memo for the 20252026 Academic Year - PDF and Word

Attachment F: UCFT Annual Report - PDF and PowerPoint

Attachment G: Resolution in Support of Diversity - PDF and Word

Agenda - PDF and Word

Draft Minutes for February 18, 2025 - PDF and Word

Attachment A: Presentation on HLC Process - PDF and PowerPoint

Attachment B: Paper on the Summit on Achieving Equity for Black Faculty, Staff, Students, and Administrators at Michigan State University by 2030 - PDF