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The Steering Committee

The Steering Committee is composed of (a) five members of the faculty, elected At-Large; (b) the Chairpersons of the University-level Standing Committees; (c) the Vice President Academic Affairs of ASMSU and the President of the Council of Graduate Students, who have voting rights on all matters not reserved for the faculty; (d) one undergraduate student chosen from the voting members of ASMSU and one graduate student selected from the student members of COGS who have voting rights on all matters not reserved for the faculty; (e) the President, the Provost, and the Executive Vice President for Health Sciences as ex-officio members; and (f) the Secretary for Academic Governance who is an ex-officio member and serves as Secretary to the Steering Committee, having voice but no vote.

The Steering Committee advises the Provost regarding the appropriate faculty, academic, and student governance bodies, if any, to consult on proposals for establishment, moratorium, discontinuance, or merger of basic academic units, including departments, schools, institutes, colleges, and the Graduate School. It receives proposals for action in academic governance from individual faculty or students, and from faculty or student groups and organizations and, where appropriate, refer matters brought to it to councils or committees for consideration. The Steering Committee also prepares the agenda for meetings of the University Council, Faculty Senate and Academic Congress and communicate regularly with the College Advisory Committees to encourage and implement strong interaction between University-level and college-level academic governance.

The Steering Committee (Livestream)
3:15-5:00 p.m. | Zoom

September 3, 2024 
October 1, 2024 
November 5, 2024 
December 3, 2024 
January 7, 2025 
February 4, 2025  
March 11, 2025 
April 1, 2025 

Historical Steering Committee documents can be found below.

Steering Committee Records

Meeting Documents


Agenda - PDF and Word

Attachment A: Monthly Standing Committee Report Template - PDF and Word

Attachment B: Schedule of Standing Guests - PDF and Word

Attachment C: BoT Policy 01-01-06 Faculty Liaison Group - PDF and Word

Attachment D: Letter to Steering Committee Re DRAP - PDF and Word

Attachment E: Disability & Reasonable Accommodation Policy University Policy - PDF and Word

Attachment F: Memorandum Retaliation Policy Committee - PDF and Word

Attachment G: Interim Protection from Retaliation Policy - PDF and Word

Attachment H: SPDC Consolidation - Full Packet to TSC PDF and Word

Attachment I: Update Fixed-term Faculty Promotion PDF and Word

Attachment J: Work on Faculty Terminology PDF and Word

Draft Minutes of April 2, 2024 - PDF and Word

Draft Minutes of May 20, 2024 - PDF and Word

Minutes PDF and Word

Agenda - PDF and Word

Draft Minutes of September 3rd, 2024 - PDF and Word

Instructions on Verbal Reports - PDF and Word

UCFT Report PDF and Word

UCGS Report - PDF and Word

UCL Report - PDF and Word

Agenda - PDF and Word

Draft Minutes of October 1, 2024 - PDF and Word

Attachment A: Reports

- UCC Report - PDF and Word

- UCAG Report - PDF and Word

- UCUE Report - PDF and Word

- UCFT Report - PDF and Word

- UCFA Report - PDF and Word

- UCGS Report - PDF and Word

Attachment B: AdHoc on FS-HS Nominations

Bazil Nomination Form - PDF and Word

- Brandon Nomination Form - PDF and Word

- Cesario Nomination Form - PDF and Word

- Delekta Nomination Form - PDF and Word

- Quintanilla Nomination Form - PDF and Word

- Recktenwalk Nomination Form - PDF and Word

- Richards Nomination Form - PDF and Word

- Spreng Nomination Form - PDF and Word

Attachment C: Memo to Academic Governance - PDF and Word

Attachment D: Faculty Senate Resolution - PDF and Word

- The Future of Institutionally Supported Research and Creative Activities Committee - PDF and Word

Minutes PDF and Word

Agenda - PDF and Word

Draft Minutes of November 5, 2024 - PDF and Word

Attachment A: UCGS Report - PDF and Word

Attachment B: UCFT ReportPDF and Word

Attachment C: COGS Report PDF and Word

Attachment D: UCC Report pt.1 PDF and Word

Attachment DUCC Report pt.2 PDF and Word

Attachment E: UCAG Report PDF and Word

Attachment F: ASMSU Report PDF and Word

Attachment G: UCFA Report PDF and Word

Attachment H: UCL Report PDF and Word

Attachment I: OAG Report PDF and Word

Attachment J: UCUE Report PDF and Word

Attachment K: MSU Innovation Presentation - Powerpoint


Agenda - PDF and Word

Draft Minutes from December 3rd, 2024 - PDF and Word

Attachment A: ASMSU Monthly Standing Committee Report - PDF and Word

Attachment B: UCUE Monthly Standing Committee Report - PDF and Word


Agenda - PDF and Word

Draft Minutes of January 7, 2025 - PDF and Word

Attachment A - Memo from Provost to TSC Chair - PDF and Word

Attachment B - Charge Memo to Committee - PDF and Word

Attachment C - February 2025 ASMSU Steering Report - PDF and Word

Attachment D - Monthly Standing Committee Report - PDF and Word

Attachment E - UCFA- Monthly Standing Committee Report - PDF and Word

Attachment F - UCGS_Jan25_Monthly Standing Committee Report - PDF and Word

Attachment G - UCUE Mid-Year Standing Committee Report - PDF and Word

Agenda - PDF and Word

Minutes - PDF and Word


Agenda - PDF and Word

Draft Minutes of March 11, 2025 - PDF and Word

Attachment A: March Report from the UCFT - PDF and Word

Attachment A1: March Report from the UCSLE - PDF and Word

Attachment A2: March Report from the ASMSU - PDF and Word

Attachment A3: March Report from the UCL - PDF and Word

Attachment B: RCAH Consultation Process - PDF and Word