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COGS Resolution 19-FS-22 (DEI in Tenure)

COGS Resolution 19-FS-22 (DEI in Tenure)

Item 2021-45


Item 2021-45: COGS Resolution 19-FS-22 (DEI in Tenure)

Subcommittee of UCFA was formed to address this issue. UCFT is working on a draft memo from the Provost about the philosophy of tenure, and this has been folded into that memo. UCFT Task Force dealing with this issue submitted a revised statement on April 7, 2021, which UCFT approved. The Provost's memo on philosophy of tenure, which incorporated elements of the COGS proposal, was sent out in April 2021, closing the issue.

Note: Linked documents require an MSU email login. Docx versions available here.

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