Item 2021-01: Amendment to 2019 Ad Hoc Committee Statement
At the November 12, 2019 Faculty Senate meeting, the Faculty Senate voted to form a three-person task force responsible for drafting a statement on diversity, equity, and inclusion and to vote on adopting the statement by email. On November 26, 2019, the Faculty Senate unanimously adopted a resolution memorializing the statement reading:
Recent events on our campus require that we, the MSU Faculty Senate, emphasize our position of support for diversity and inclusion. We unequivocally support all students, staff, and faculty of the MSU community, regardless of color, race, gender, gender identity, ability status, country of origin and religious belief. We will continue the work that creates an inclusive, diverse community, one that respects and celebrates our differences, promotes our commonalities and recognizes our unique contributions.
We summarily reject any circumstances which alienate, demean or make students feel less than others. We strive for a supportive environment that is free from hate, racism, sexism, misogyny, ableism, religious subversion, and bullying of any kind. We are working to make a positive difference.
On September 1, 2020, the Steering Committee referred a proposed amendment to the statement to the Faculty Senate. At the September 15, 2020 Faculty Senate meeting, the Senate amended the statement to replace the words "religious subversion" with "religious discrimination."
Faculty Senate Minutes 2019-11-12 - PDF
Emails asking for a vote - PDF
Steering Committee Minutes 2020-09-01 - PDF
Faculty Senate Minutes 2020-09-15 - PDF
Note: Linked documents are in PDF format. Docx. format is available upon request, please email
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