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Guidance on Faculty Authored Curricular Materials

Guidance on Faculty Authored Curricular Materials

Item 2021-14


Item 2021-14: Request for Guidance on Faculty-Authored Curricular Materials

Referred to UCFA at Steering on October 6, 2020. Fulton let Faculty Senate know it's happening on October 13, 2020. Dean Salem presented to UCFA on February 2, 2021, and a UCFA subcommittee is working on a policy.

At March 9, 2021 UCFA meeting, UCFA approved a proposal; Fulton delivered it on March 16, 2021. At March 23, 2021 UCFA, it was agreed to send it to the provost and General Counsel (and possibly UCFA again) before sending it to Faculty Senate for approval.

At the September 14, 2021 UCFA meeting, Associate Provost Suzanne Lang indicated she would provide an update at the next UCFA meeting. Associate Provost Lang was unable to attend the October 12, 2021 meeting. At the November 2, 2021 UCFA meeting, Associate Provost Lang reported that it was nearly complete and would be sent through governance soon. At the November 16 UCFA meeting, Lang said there was no further update, but one was anticipated at the December 2 meeting. At the November 30, 2021 UCFA meeting the Provost's office offered some edits to the policy, committee considered the edits and did not have any substantive amendments. UCFA voted to endorse the policy on December 9, 2021 following a virtual vote. The policy will be considered at the January 18, 2022 Faculty Senate meeting.

Note: Linked documents require an MSU email login. Docx versions available here.

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