Item 2122-25: Religious Observance Policy
DEISC recommended changes to the Religious Observance Policy. At the November 11, 2021 Steering meeting, the proposed policy was referred to UCFA, UCUE, and UCSA.
The University Committee on Undergraduate Education discussed it on November 11, 2021. UCUE Chairperson Gina Leinninger sent a synthesis of UCUE's feedback to the secretary for academic governance on November 23, 2021.
The University Committee on Student Affairs endorsed the amendments on January 21, 2022.
The University Committee on Faculty Affairs discussed the policy on November 16, 2021 and decided to invite the authors of the document to the December 2, 2021 meeting for further discussion. At an early January UCFA meeting, Chairperson Mick Fulton shared that the authors would attend the January 25, 2022 meeting. At the January 25, 2022 UCFA meeting, the committee made one amendment to the document and then asked the introducers to resubmit the proposal alongside a draft calendar of relevant religious holidays. UCFA endorsed the policy at the March 15, 2022 meeting. The policy was expected to be taken up at the April 5, 2022 Steering Committee, but was postponed. The item is expected to be considered by the Faculty Senate at the October 18, 2022 University Council meeting.
The University Committee on Faculty Affairs discussed the matter at its October 11, 2022 meeting and highlighted aspects of the proposed changes that members found confusing. The committee agreed by consent that Chairperson Jamie Alan, Director of Faculty and Academic Staff Affairs Kara Yermak, Interim Associate Provost for Faculty and Academic Staff Affairs Ann Austin, and Frank Ravitch would meet separately to work on clarifying the policy and associated calendar.
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