Item 2223-18: Course Equivalency Policy for Study Abroad
On April 20, 2023, an interim report was presented to UCUE. Given that the item is more complex than anticipated, the committee will reconvene during summer and/or in fall.
The Subcommittee met for the first time on Tuesday. February 9, 2023. The committee identified a few aspects of the issue that they will review. A final report will be submitted by the end of the semester.
On January 19, 2023, UCUE formed an ad hoc sub-committee on course equivalencies for semester abroad. The sub-committee will report to the Provost. The committee is open to representatives from the Office for Education Abroad (Inge Steglitz), the Office of the Registrar (Kimberly Blair Chambers), Student Advising (Beth Judge) and APUE. UCUE representation on the sub-committee are Matt Zierler, Marissa King, Antoinette Tessmer, and an ASMSU representative (TBD).
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